
About me

Hello and welcome to what may be the world's first.  A blog written for humans by a dog.  I am hoping that this blog will give you humans an insight into my life and the lifes of my other four legged canine friends.  Maybe after reading this you will respect the rights of us canines more, and give us the place in society we rightly deserve, at the top of the foodchain along with yourselves.

I am your host in this magical journey.  My name is Negrita and I would like to welcome you officially to my world.  The first question you may be asking is how did I get the idea to start this interesting blog.  Well here goes....

The idea all started several weeks ago.  I must begin by explaining that my owners are quite kind to me and three days a week they take me to a doggy daycare centre where I can run around and get muddy as all younsters including myself love.  We can jump over obstacles and get out all our energy without having to resort to chewing slippers or carrying round socks in our mouths (more on that later).  However, on the other two working days they leave me at home all day.  It is during these times when I am left at home that I have far too much time to procrastinate about the meaning of life and what I want to do and where I want to be when I grow up.  That's when the idea of this blog formed.

To make it a reality I started reading my male owner's IT books during the day.  He is one of those computer nerds you see, and he could have easily set my blog up for me, but funnily enough I can't seem to find a language that he understands. I try all my different barks from the obvious English barks to Swiss-German barks (well he should know these as he does live in Zurich after all), but he just doesn't seem to understand me.  I do hear him talking with my female owner a lot, but it sounds like total jibberish to me, just a series of noises.  Anyway so back onto the point, I worked out what I needed to know and one day when they were out I jumped up on the chair so I could reach the table where he leaves his computer (conveniently switched on) and I began typing.  It was hard at first as my paws weren't built for typing it seems.  But as the weeks went on I managed to master the art of using just one of my nails to tap the keys.  I was very surprised at how few articles there are written by dogs like myself.  I am hoping that by starting this doggy blog others will follow in my pawsteps.

Welcome and please enjoy!!! Any comments and feedback will be greatly appreciated.